Collage 3
The Dawg-gone Blog
Official Sponsor of "Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate" Since 1981
Thursday, April 28, 2005
First of all, a special thank you to [NAME REDACTED] who coached me through the process while eating at The Grill (no, I don't believe he was drunk at the time).

As threatened, here are the photos from the 3DD BBQ hosted by yours truly and the staff of 97.3 Kiss FM.

First, here's a picture of myself and Staisha, a friend of mine from Perry. She was kind enough to take all of these photos, so I appreciate that very much.

Kit Staisha 3

Next we have another picture of the same variety and if you would, please notice the "Clear Channel Radio" polo I am wearing. Yes, I am a corporate bitch.

Kit Staisha 2

Here is a wonderful photo of me and the lead singer of 3DD, Brad.

Brad 3dd kit 2

Here is another of the same variety. Now, if you would, please notice the fake-ass smile on my face. I had an absolute blast, so you think I'd have been able to eke out a decent smile. Smiling for photos has never been a strong suit of mine.

Brad 3dd Kit

Lastly, we have a large photograph of the entire 3DD band and the Kiss Fm staff. Oh happy day.

3dd kit 2

Well, there ya go. Not much to say about the event other than it was a FUCKING HASSLE to put together, but a great experience nonetheless. 3DD was a great group of guys and were incredibly cool and down to earth. So far, the only true celeb bitch thus far that I've met has been Kimberly Locke from American Idol (she finished 3rd in the second season). Of course, I'd be pissed off too if I lost anything to Clay Aiken...even Yahtzee!

I'll probably blog a LOT this weekend because (thankfully) I have nothing better to do.

Until later tonight...

Be safe.
Blogger Brett said...
Call me.