Collage 3
The Dawg-gone Blog
Official Sponsor of "Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate" Since 1981
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
So today I got some relatively decent news. A good friend (and collegue) of mine used to work at Westwayne Advertising in Atlanta. She left on great terms figuring those terms was accompanying her husband to Savannah in a move that would ensure her to not have to work (though she works her ass off at The Devil).

So she put in a good word for me and it turns out they're hiring immediately. This is good but could also be bad. In order to function in Atlanta I figure I need to be making a minimum of $30k a year. They start out at $27k but could possibly bump me up figuring I have more than a year of media work experience, and especially agency experience.

The bad news to this is I need this process to hurry along. The "nest egg" really doesn't exist anymore and I need to get going while the getting's good. I have a bad feeling that May is not going to turn out to be a great month and in fact it might be "bad" by my standards. However, the main thing is finding a decent roomate.

If anyone reading this needs a roomate for a tiny 8 month period (just bring your ass, I've got couches, a tv and surround sound) let me know. At dinner with Amos tonight (who was kind enough to buy Applebee's for a strugging entry-level grad) we discussed our circle of friends and how much they meant to us. I know that no matter who it is from the people I know, I'll be in good hands with living with any of y'all. Just understand that I'm a neat freak now but I reckon I can get messy if I must.

But the thought of being in Atlanta and being able to drink in Athens at any time or party with Jeb or party with Rusty and LN just REALLY makes me feel good.

I'm extremely excited about this opportunity so if y'all would, please pray for this to work out for me (Since some of you don't pray, will you just cut off one of your bunnies' feet?).

Ok, I think that's it for tonight (and I'm adding one more sub-thought b/c I have littered this blog with them).

Until next time kids...

Be safe.
Blogger Russell said...
I don't pray to God anymore, but I do cuss in his general direction a few times a day.

Anyways, I do have access to eight rabbit feet. How many are you looking to own? They're priced to move.