Collage 3
The Dawg-gone Blog
Official Sponsor of "Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate" Since 1981
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Let me start by saying that if you're not fired up by now, you have no soul and no heartbeat.

As of this moment, I have never missed being a Redcoat than I have these past few days. I have all of this energy to cuss, scream, and cheer and I have no way to channel it in a manner that is equivalent to my old Redcoat days. Damn it.

Anyway, taken straight from (by the way, PWD has a great blog up right now about Bloggers stealing ideas from other Bloggers...accompanied by a Blog in which the idea was taken from another one), here is a couple of articles of interest from the Atlanta Urinal Constipation:

First, an article on predictions
from various people on today's game. My favorite is where Tony Barnhart predicts UGA to win on a last second field goal and then lists the score as 14-10 (thus making no field goal possible for Georgia for those of you scoring at home).

Secondly, an article on possible bowl scenarios
for the SEC after today's contest. To sum it up, if UGA wins, we know where we go, but if we lose, we will probably end up in the Peach Bowl vs. Clemson. Also, if USC (the Trojans) lose to UCLA today, then expect Auburn to play USC in the Fiesta Bowl.

Finally, a picture (from my *thankfully* chunkier college days) to make all of you feel better about the game today...

Tiger Head

Until next time kids.

Be safe (and Go F*CKING DAWGS!!!!).
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just want to point out that I'm the one who took the infamous picture of Kit face-fucking Mike the Tiger.(And then I end up going to LSU for grad work!)

Btw, did you notice how much of a redneck Eric Crawford looks like in the background?!