Collage 3
The Dawg-gone Blog
Official Sponsor of "Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate" Since 1981
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Well since my breakdowns have been bad luck in the latter part of the season, I have again decided to be superstitious and not do one.

However, I have a brand new Munson Mix that, in my own opinion, isn't bad for an hour's worth of work. I wish I knew how to use Windows Movie Maker and also had a way to find UGA Highlights. I'd put together one hellacious "Pump Me Up for a Tiger Beating" video.

Anyway, if you want the Munson Mix, let me know. It's best used right before kickoff with a slight level of intoxication. I'll be more than happy to forward it to whoever wants it, so just leave your e-mail in the comments and I'll send it all at once. Therefore, if no one comments, then no one loves me. Ha. Guilt rules.

About the game:

In my honest opinion, I think we win Saturday and I think we do it convincingly. I think UGA finally says "Don't ever count us out before the season begins. You media pundits should know better." I also think I'll be sickened for about a good two hours watching feel good LSU bullshit stories about Hurricane Katrina. I know everything that happened down there was horrible, but honestly, it's over so let's just play some football. Mark my words, we can not look like a great team even if we win. If we win we'll hear, "We'll this is a moral victory for the Tigers by making it this far into the season after Hurricane Katrina AND a new coach." If we lose, the media will orgasm EVERYWHERE so make sure you cover your eyes. Ugh.

For anyone going to the game, I got an e-mail from PWD today saying UGA has announced the Dawg Walk will be at 3:55 p.m. and in UGA's words:

"The team will arrive and depart the buses at the West Plaza near the Gold Parking Deck off Northside Dr. They will proceed to Stairtower Four at which point they will go down stairs to the players' entrance."

PWD also dumbed it down for us....

Gate B.

Anyway, Dawgs win. Trust me on this one. I wouldn't lie to you, lunchbox.

Until next time kids.

Be safe (and Go Dawgs).

P.S. -- Don't forget about the Munson Mix if you want it. Secretly, I'm really proud of it, but I must credit GeorgiaGirl with the a round about way.
Blogger alfredblog said...
dude, hit me up.
and yes, we must drink the alcohol when i make it back to the atl for my winter work.
lsu loses, or the terrorists win.

Blogger Chris said...
Something I'd like to share with some Redcoats before the game.

Blogger Stacy said...