First thing's first, it's a damn shame that Uga VII passed away earlier this morning. When I recorded this, the news hadn't broken, so there won't be any commentary of it in the video. Like most of the Bulldog Nation, we're all saddened by the passing of every Uga. However, as PWD noted, the Seiler family are the ones that should receive our deepest condolences. Our mascot is their family pet.
For those who can't view the picture, don't worry, I'll repost it next week. I hope we f'n kill them on the field and ruin their fun. Nothing would make me happier.
In the last precursor to the video, I wanted to go out of my way to give a shout out to a nice gentleman named Bobby who stopped me on my way from one tailgate to the next last Saturday. Bobby said that he's read the blog regularly for a long time and that he just wanted to introduce himself. Bobby, that made my day sir, and I appreciate you not only reading, but also your compliment. It was great meeting you as well and thanks again!!
Ok, so now we have the Vlog for this week. Total random eye-roll count is somewhere around 15 for the video. I'll work on that for the next one. As always, I hope you guys enjoy.
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